Feel free to share your ideas, and posts, and comment on our Camelot page different memes, photos, videos, and so on. Thank you!!!!
Jousting Tournament:
In some time, we will have a new page up called “The Jousting Tournament” where you can play free video games we made. Stay tuned in for more!!!!
I had come across a video which spoke of the Republic of Cospaia, a stateless society which lasted from 1440 to 1826 in Northern Italy. It was created because the Pope in 1440 was going to sell this small piece of land to the Medicis of Florence. But, there was a mistake, where the Pope did not include Cospaia in the Medicis’ land purchases, and the Cospaians (which at the time numbered only about 300 inhabitants) declared themselves a Free Republic, people who lived in Perpetual Liberty.
The society of Cospaia was anarcho-capitalist, which is a very scary word for virtually everybody, but after looking into how Cospaia worked, I have admiration for the people who lived there.
Here is the flag of Cospaia:

Here is the video that grappled my interest. Most of you will have mixed views about this video, and this topic, but at least consider it and think about some of the things he says:
Search it up!
As we add more content onto Arthur’s Fort, it will become more and more important to search things up. The search icon is on the top right corner. If you did not find what you were looking for, it could be because you mistyped or because we just don’t have that content yet.
Thank you!!!!
Our Big Pages:
- About us — http://arthursfort.com/about-arthurs-fort/
- Round Table — http://arthursfort.com/roundtable/
- Camelot — http://arthursfort.com/camelot/
- Great Pioneers — http://arthursfort.com/great-pioneers-of-history/
Notable People
There have been many great people, men and women of all backgrounds who have changed our world for the better. Many of them are within the shadows of fame, not yet well known by enough people in the world. But, the men and women whose lives we will document are people who we deem some of the greatest people to have existed, and some of the greatest agents of freedom for all of us.
Their philosophies, their experiences, their achievements and adversities will be written about on a brand new page coming up very soon….
Check out our music!!
Check out our new musical pieces on Camelot. The first is Sky of Jewels, a synth-techno riff, and the other Russian Winter, another techno piece with traditional Russian balalaika.
Enjoy!!!! ==> http://arthursfort.com/camelot/
We present to you…. Camelot!!!!
Camelot will be the center of King Arthur’s Fort; We shall bring to you our movie productions free to watch; And we shall also notify you of updates via Camelot:
Get onto the great realm of Camelot via the link above ^
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